
  • By Erin Del Toro, ACHE Licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist Leading up to the 1984 Olympics, after 20 years of low rankings, the coaches for the USA Judo team knew that to make a dent in the Japanese-dominated scene, they needed big change. The American Olympic fighters......

  • By Erin Del Toro, ACHE Licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist The holidays bring celebrations, excitement, joy, good food, and sometimes…the ups and downs of family gatherings. Most family events are happy times, but many are also sprinkled with upsets big and small, and when they add up,......

  • By Erin Del Toro, ACHE Licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist Back in the 90’s, we all got a good laugh as SNL’s character Stuart Smalley preached to himself in the mirror, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!” Back then, it seemed......

  • If you have never had a diet plan work for you long term, you may be looking at weight loss the wrong way....

  • Good Clinical Hypnotherapy rewrites neural pathways for total mind healing and recovery....

  • Research over the last decade shows promising results beyond medication in two surprising forms: cognitive behavioral therapy and clinical hypnotherapy. Both have been proven to be equal to or more effective than sleep medications....

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